name: Custom Visual Basic loose
desc: Suppresses various binaries found in Visual Basic source trees
def: include
f: \.aps$ ## VC Binary version of resource file, for quick loading
f: \.bsc$ ## VC Browser database
f: \.frx$ ##
f: \.dca$ ##
f: \.ctx$ ##
f: \.dll$ ## Windows DLL
f: \.ocx$ ## OLE Control Extension
f: \.exe$ ## Windows/DOS executable
f: \.bak$ ## backup
f: \.usr$
f: \.user$
f: \.pdb$ ## VC program database file (debugging symbolic information)
f: \.res$ ## VC compiled resources file (output of RC [resource compiler])
f: \.resource$ ## Compiled resource file.
f: \.cache$
f: \.obj$ ## VC object module file
f: \.suo$
f: \.vssscc$ ## Source control metadata
f: \.vspscc$ ## Project source control metadata
f: \.user$ ## User settings
f: \.ReSharper$ ## ReSharper data
f: \.xfrm$
f: \.bak$
d: \\cvs$ ## CVS control directory
d: \\.svn$ ## Subversion control directory
d: \\obj$
d: \\bin$
d: \\Debug$
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